Bentley Race says: Big muscle dude Kyler Drayke strips down to ust his white sox stroking his huge thick dick
As I’ve been traveling and filming new hardcore sequences, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some extremely attractive men. But recently, some handsome American men traveled all the way to Australia to visit us. A few months ago, the very handsome Kyler Drayke contacted me and suggested a voyage to visit us. This is a common proposition I receive from American men, but it never materializes. So you can imagine my astonishment when Kyler sent me a photo taken from the back of an Australian taxi as he traveled from the airport to his destination. It comes out that Kyler is not only very attractive, but also a very nice person. We wound up shooting a few times and then hanging out afterwards. If all the men in the United States are as handsome as Kyler, I will shortly plan a trip there. I can see why so many of my friends wanted to participate in his shoots.