Today we are focusing on new boy Sammy Poulain and we’ve filmed him right from the off so that you can see what happens when a model makes preparations for his first scenes.
Sammy’s training was a little different than normal as Kevin filmed him fucking Ashton Montana then bottoming for Elio Chalamet.
You’ll also see Sammy’s casting to see the whole of his journey.
Watch FULL MOVIE here!
Watch FULL MOVIE here!
All the Freshmen updates right here!
What others are sharing just now:
Elio Chalamet, Riff Dornan
Yannis Paluan, Bruce Querelle
Clint Newman, Jamie Eliot
Derek Caravaggio, John Leto
Torsten Ullman, Billy Montague
Luca Carrera
John Leto, Sammy Poulain
Elio Chalamet, Riff Dornan, Bart Cuban
Sammy Poulain, Helmut Huxley
Karl Ayers, Tom Rogers
Derek Caravaggio, Bruce Querelle
Kristian Bresson, Nikk Lanier
Timothy Blue
Helmut Huxley, Pip Caulfield
Olaf Mortensen
Enrique Vera, Rick Palmer