The day is at hand. Giulio Pasolini makes his official debut. Those who have had the pleasure of speaking to him at BelAmiChat know that he is very cute with the ability to get along with everyone.
These traits came in well partnered with Bastian Dufy who often overwhelms newbies with his forwardness. Where Bastian’s enthusiasm makes others nervous it makes Giulio horny as he brings us one of the hottest and sexiest debut scenes we’ve ever filmed.
Giulio instantly picks up Bastian’s insatiable sexual desire and eagerness to perform.
Watch FULL MOVIE here!
Watch FULL MOVIE here!
All the Freshmen updates right here!
What others are sharing just now:
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Jimmie Ackerman, Bob Coogler
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Elio Chalamet, Sammy Poulain, Ashton Montana
Blake Mitchell, Yannis Paluan
Jorik Tautou, Justin Saradon
Peter Annaud and Sven Basquiat
Ashton Montana, Peter Annaud
Kasper Dixon
Jim Durden, Peter Annaud
Brenden Staal
Yannis Paluan, Viggo Sorensen
Sammy Poulain, Helmut Huxley