If only we had a sculptor instead of a photographer, I’m sure Bart Cuban would have made for a fantastic ‘David’, with his beautifully toned muscles, classic proportions and handsome Mediterranean looks.
Instead we have Eliot working his own magic with our model of the week here today.
All the Belami updates right here!
What others are sharing just now:
Hoyt Kogan, Gino Mosca
Stephane Dupont
Brian Jovovich, Jesse Tobey
Andrei Karenin, Olaf Mortensen
Marcel Gassion, Ariel Vanean
Luke Hamill
Freddy McQueen, John Leto
Bastian Dufy, Jim Durden, Viggo Sorensen
Jordan Faris, Justin Saradon
Bobby Kanne, Virgil Avedon
Andrei Karenin, Niko Vangelis
Jeroen Mondrian, Christian Lundgren
Serge Cavalli, Bruce Querelle, Riff Dornan
Dylan Maguire, Peter Annaud
Johnny Bloom
Mick Lovell, Harris Hilton